Technical and Environmental Feasibility Analysis in Revitalizing Former Coal Mines as a Green Economy Pillar for Sustainable Development
Introduction : Coal mining plays an important role in the national economy, but after exploitation, mining land is often left in a damaged and unproductive condition. Therefore, revitalizing former coal mines is a strategic step to utilize degraded land into a new economic area that is oriented towards sustainability. Objective: The technical and environmental feasibility study aims to ensure that the revitalization of ex-mining land can be carried out safely, efficiently and in accordance with sustainability principles. This research also aims to explore the potential of former coal mining land as a basis for a sustainable green economy found at PT XYZ, as well as providing solutions to environmental challenges in a post-mining context. Method: Method: This community service integrates quantitative and qualitative methods to comprehensively understand the technical feasibility, environment, and green economic potential in ex-coal mining areas. Conclusion : Revitalization of ex-mining land can bring great potential in improving technical and environmental quality, utilizing renewable energy, and introducing more sustainable land use. Through improving soil quality, efficient management of natural resources, and utilizing renewable energy potential, ex-mining land can be converted into productive land that supports the green economy and sustainable development. Test data also shows that the revitalization of ex-mining land has a positive impact on soil pH quality, which can support more environmentally friendly and sustainable land management.
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