Implementation of Simple Inhalation Steam Therapy in Children With Upper Respiratory Tract Infection
Introduction : The number of children suffering from Acute Respiratory Tract Infections (ISPA) is 59,417, and its prevalence is 40-80 times higher in developing countries compared to developed countries. Method: The community service aims to implement simple inhalation techniques for children with ISPA and observe the nursing care response through a case study. Result: The results show a positive response to airway cleanliness. The effectiveness of clearing the child's airway is indicated by a reduction in secretions and ronchi results in the lungs. Conclusion: Steam therapy with eucalyptus oil has a mucolytic effect (thinning mucus) and bronchodilating effect (relieving breathing). This natural remedy can help alleviate symptoms of respiratory conditions such as colds, sinusitis, and bronchitis. Its soothing properties also provide a sense of relaxation, supporting overall well-being during illness.
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