Implementation of Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT) in Writing Compte Rendu French Journalistique Text

Yadi Mulyadi, Dudung Gumilar, Iis Sopiawati


Teachers or lecturers of French language in Indonesia are obliged to improve the quality of their professionalism to improve the quality of education because they are directly related to the process of transferring knowledge to students. They play vital and fundamental roles in guiding, directing and educating students in the learning process. To achieve those objectives, the results of this study are expected to add scientific insights, especially the implementation of the Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT) approach to improve students' skills in writing French journalistic texts of the compte rendu journalistique (CRJ) type from the French Business or Français des Affaires (FdA) course. This study aims to: (1) describe the process and stages of the implementation of Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT) in writing French journalistic text of Compte Rendu Journalistique type, (2) obtain data related to the results of students' abilities during the application of Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT) in writing French CRJ, and; (3) test the level of effectiveness of the application of Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT) in writing CRJ. The research method used is quantitative method with one group pre-test and post-test design. The research sample was 7th semester students of DELF B1 level who joined the FA course. The results of the study are as follows, namely: (1) the TBLT approach has been proven effective to improve students' skills in writing CRJ in French for DELF B1 level, and (2) the obstacles encountered by students include: (a) lack of vocabulaire related to the themes covered in the CRJ. This is because they are not accustomed to reading and understanding CRJ both online and in print; (b) lack of understanding related to journalistic terms so that it distorts them in packaging French texts; (c) lack of understanding of grammar that must be mastered at certain levels, especially for level B1 which of course requires a lot of grammatical studies because at this level the demands are higher. 


foreign language learning; french objective specifique; task-based language teaching (tblt); journalistic articles; compte rendu journalistique

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