The Development of Folklore Enrichment Materials with Cross-Cultural Content for BIPA 4 Korean Students

Fani Fajrini Darma Dalel, Yulianeta Yulianeta, Halimah Halimah


This study aims to produce cross-cultural folklore text enrichment materials with a text-based approach for BIPA 4 Korean students. There are four folklore texts studied in this study, namely "Heongbu & Nolbu" (South Korea) and "Bawang Merah & Garlic" (Indonesia), as well as "Green Frog" (South Korea), and "Malin Kundang" (Indonesia) that are analyzed using structural analysis A.J. Greimas. The results of the cultural analysis of the four folktales showed that the stories portrayed similarities in one cultural element, which is “Social Organisation” or “Family”, but there are differences in other cultural elements, such as “Works”, “Knowledge, and “Beliefs”. The results of the analysis are used as a basis for compiling enrichment materials for intermediate-level Korean BIPA students. This study uses research and development (R&D) with the ADDIE model (analysis, design, development and production, implementation, and evaluation). Research data was collected through questionnaires and interviews with BIPA students. Then, product designs are validated by BIPA, literature, and graphic experts. The product is also being tested with BIPA students to find out the response given. The expert's assessment and the responses given by the students form the basis for product improvement. The validation results on product prototypes carried out by experts are in the “very good” criteria and the responses given by BIPA students are in the “very good” criteria. It is hoped that this product of enrichment materials can be used by level 4 BIPA students and BIPA researchers.


BIPA Korean learners 4; cross-cultural folklore texts; enrichment materials; text-based approach

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