A Comparison of Robert Entman's Framing of Netanyahu's Arrest News on Aljazeera Online News Media and CNN Arabic

Hardilla Hardilla, Moh Zawawi


Netanyahu is one of the Israeli Prime Ministers who is in the public spotlight because he is considered a suspect in the extermination of Gazans. Different news framing can affect one's view and understanding of the news. This research aims to find a comparison of Robert Entman's Framing model in the news which consists of four elements namely define the problem, diagnose causes, make moral judgments, and treatment recommendations. The object of this research consists of two primary data and secondary data. Primary data consists of two news articles from the AlJazeera website and two from the CNN Arabic website regarding Netanyahu's arrest. While secondary data is in the form of scientific articles and books relevant to this research. This research method is framing analysis using a qualitative approach. The data collection technique uses reading and note-taking techniques. While the data analysis technique uses the Miles and Hubermann model, namely data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results obtained are in the form of a description of Robert Entman's four framing concepts from the four news articles and a comparison of news framing on the AlJazeera and CNN Arabic websites.


Framing; ICC; Israel; Netanyahu; Palestine

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