A Critical Review of the Communicative Language Teaching Implementation in Indonesia
Despite the growing popularity of the Communicative Language Teaching (CLT), some scholars question if the approach is suitable for Asian learners. Using Musthafa’s classic article (2001) as a comparison, this paper investigates challenges dealt with Indonesian teachers in implementing the CLT approach. It specifically aims to see whether CLT-related problems that exist today are still in common or different from its earlier implementation as reported in Musthafa’s article. The research documented three main challenges faced by Indonesian teachers to implement CLT. Two of them were congruent with Musthafa’s arguments while the other was not discussed in his article. Furthermore, this paper suggests adapting CLT instead of adopting it and the need for professional training to develop the teacher’s competence. Finally, it should be noted that this study only reviews the challenges based on conceptual frameworks. Hence, there is a need to conduct further empirical research to strengthen the arguments.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17509/cje.v1i2.31842
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