Research Performance in Higher Education: A PLS-SEM Analysis of Research Atmosphere, Collaboration, Funding, Competence, and Output, Especially for Science and Engineering Facilities in Indonesian Universities

Lantip Diat Prasojo, Lia Yuliana, Lastika Ary Prihandoko


Research performance is essential for universities because it drives scientific and technological advancement, institutional rankings, and global competitiveness. However, Indonesian higher education institutions face persistent challenges, including limited funding, inadequate collaboration, and an unsupportive research environment, which hinder their ability to produce high-quality research. This study examines how research atmosphere, collaboration, funding, competence, and output influence research performance because understanding these dynamics can help universities develop targeted strategies to enhance faculty productivity. Data were collected from 250 faculty members using a purposive sampling method and analyzed with Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM). Results indicate that a strong research atmosphere fosters collaboration and funding access, while competence and research output significantly improve research performance. However, research funding does not directly enhance competence because financial resources alone do not develop research skills. These findings emphasize the need for greater institutional support, particularly in science and engineering fields, to strengthen research ecosystems and drive innovation in Indonesian universities.


Higher education; Ipma; PLS-SEM; Research performance

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